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TRUESTORYCOMIC052 | 2023-06-10  
True Story Comic, because things happen to all of us. Short stories narrated to the sounds of electronic music. Each release shedding light on the artist protagonist telling their tale.

Andres Luque presents her next release on True Story Comic. After her releases on (Low Groove, Sustain Music, Kassette..)

This ep is my tribute to my two beloved pets.

Uka is inspired by that crazy woman that I lost almost two years ago and that I remember with sweetness and tenderness, with strength and spirit Goa is inspired by my current pet, the one that helped me overcome the great loss of Uka and the one that accompanies me everywhere I go. Both tracks are a fusion of melodies, Groove and feelings put in each note, which makes them awaken in me mixed feelings. They also represent the strength and desire to do again what I love above all music

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