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AFRO048A | 2024-03-01  
Dive into the vibrant sounds of "Mash Mellow" as Mavicado Umshokobezi and DalasMdalangwane join forces, featuring the dynamic vocals of Gflow. The track, translating to "Marsh Mellow" in English, is a soulful instrumental beat infused with fresh elements of amapiano.

This collaboration is more than a song; it's a friendly invitation to explore the intersection of soulful melodies and the evolving landscape of amapiano. Mavicado Umshokobezi and DalasMdalangwane's artistry shines through as they seamlessly blend traditional elements with innovative beats.

Producer: Mavicado Umshokobezi, DalasMdalangwane
Featuring: Gflow
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Record Label: Afroritmo YHV Records
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