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Martin Eyerer, a luminary in the electronic music scene, has solidified his status not only through his dynamic DJ sets around the globe but also through an impressive discography of more than 250 releases on various esteemed labels. His profound influence extends beyond performance, deeply rooted in the heart of Berlin's music and creative industries.
As co-founder and CEO of Riversidestudios Berlin, Martin has cultivated a leading music studio and creative economy complex. Spanning 3000 sqm in the vibrant area of Berlin-Kreuzberg, this complex, with its 27 state-of-the-art studios, stands as a testament to Martin's commitment to the arts and his visionary approach to fostering creative collaboration.
In addition to his impactful work with Riversidestudios, Martin is the visionary founder of the renowned Kling Klong label, guiding it to over 150 releases and establishing a gold standard for innovation and quality in sound. This label has become a beacon for artists seeking a platform that truly values groundbreaking music and artistic integrity.
Since stepping into the role of CEO at Factory Berlin in 2018 - 2023, Martin has seamlessly blended the worlds of music, technology, and startup innovation, creating a vibrant community where ideas and execution converge.
Looking ahead to 2024, Martin is set to continue his influential streak with new tracks slated for release on his Kling Klong label and on Spotify. These projects, including collaborations with esteemed artists such as Namito, Jiggler, Chopstick, Alex Kid, and Craig Walker, build on the success of his notable track "Turn Turn Turn" featuring Abby.
Martin Eyerer's career is a vibrant mosaic of music, innovation, and leadership, marking him as an enduring figure in the global electronic music community and a pioneering force in the creative economy.

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