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Daniel Ojeda Da Silva also known as D.G.X.

Producer / DJ / Remixer / Sound Engineer

Music Artist, Producer and Founder of "Xel Beats Records", has developed the perfect blend of electronic sounds and vast musical influences to a remarkable level of music production that is applied to every single Sample, Song, Track, Remix, Beat, Dj Set and general music composition that is heard throughout his music.

D.G.X. gained a lot of experience as Music Producer & DJ for Stompa Phunk Records & Underwater Records, simultaneously working at a nightclub called Audio in Brighton U.K. where it all started, working from Promotion, Marketing, Label Management, DJing and finally to Production.

His main musical focus consists on Electronic Music, Cinematic Music, Corporate Music, Ambient Music, Comedic Music & Acoustic Music. All music releases can be used in any form or way for all social platforms by all creators for all kinds of personal or business purposes.

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